Human beings of Warwick, Leamington & surrounding areas, mark your calendars for a trans+ inclusive & trans+ ran pub night out 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

The next TransTogether: After Dark will be on the 15th February at the New Bowling Green, Warwick from 7:00 PM till late

Other TTADs will be held on Mar 15th, Apr 19th, May 17th – future dates TBA.

TransTogether: After Dark, or just ‘TTAD’ for short, is a trans positive pub social ran by members of the community aiming to provide a safe space for a night out and build local community.

We are all about accepting everyone and every part of everyone. When we say trans, we mean anyone under the trans umbrella; non binary, genderfluid, agender, demigender etc etc etc. We also welcome anyone who is questioning their gender and still figuring themselves out with open arms.

We do also welcome allies into this space if people want to bring a friend, partner, carer or anything along those lines; we want you to be able to show up as yourself as safely as possible. All we ask is that allies are respectful that this is a trans+ led space and we want to make sure it remains safe for EVERYONE.

We will be to the left as you enter the pub, or in the pub garden (weather permitting), we will make sure there are flags up and bar staff will be able to point you in the right direction if needed.

Accessibility: There is an accessible toilet on-site. The main entrance to the pub is fully accessible with a small ramp for entry. If any aid is needed please let us know! Follow the page on Instagram to keep up to date: